[!quote] mac感想 刚开始觉得mac非常好用, 到后来mac天天内部卡死才发现 如果我愿意花这么贵的钱买普通笔记本然后装linux系统, 他比mac稳定好用一万倍 苹果生产的无论是 apple 还是 mac 都是贵但是用处不大的垃圾



  • 自动根据场景应用切换输入法
  • 更新:非常垃圾,不建议使用


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
  • 或者
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/mirrors/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/tools/install.sh)"


  • mac上的好用终端
  • 右键劫持可以通过设置解决 setting -> pointer -> binging
  • 左键聚焦可以通过 General / Selection uncheck the option "Clicking on a command selects it to restrict Find and Filter" 关闭这个选项就可以了
  • vim上本体乱码运行下面,或者添加到环境变量
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8


  • 包管理工具,必装不解释

按键映射鼠标滚轮 Karabiner-Elements

  1. Install Karabiner-Elements from their official website.
  2. Open Karabiner-Elements and go to the "Simple Modifications" tab.
  3. Click on the "+" button to add a new modification.
  4. From the "From key" dropdown menu, select "fn" key.
  5. From the "To key" dropdown menu, select "left_control" key.
  6. Enable the modification by checking the checkbox next to it.
  7. Save the changes and the fn key will now work as the ctrl key.
  • 滚轮的设计(不要安装 Reverse Scroll 会让mac变得非常卡)
    1. device -> modify event -> Flip mouse vertical wheel

beekeeper studio

  • mysql控制工具



  • 删除所有钥匙串 打开钥匙串应用全删了
  • 参考https://www.zhihu.com/question/25497798


  • Karabiner-Elements
  • #推荐软件/mac 将mac的傻逼的fn映射成为ctrl
  • github链接
  1. Install Karabiner-Elements from their official website.
  2. Open Karabiner-Elements and go to the "Simple Modifications" tab.
  3. Click on the "+" button to add a new modification.
  4. From the "From key" dropdown menu, select "fn" key.
  5. From the "To key" dropdown menu, select "left_control" key.
  6. Enable the modification by checking the checkbox next to it.
  7. Save the changes and the fn key will now work as the ctrl key.


  • 目的在于存贮目录的自定义属性,例如文件的图标位置或者是背景色的选择等等。
# 禁止生成,重启mac
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE

# 重新生成
defaults delete com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores



  • 运行 brew install universal-ctags 不是直接ctags

mac 安装 gnu系列

  • brew install coreutils 以及 brew install gnu-sed

[!tip] 参考 macos - How to have GNU's date in OS X? - Ask Different

Mac pip3 error: externally-managed-environment



mac 关闭右下角打开便签的功能

  • 设置搜索 触发角 关闭